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Learn about Tracksuit's Funnel page.
Tracksuit API / Integrations
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Learn about Tracksuit's Statements page.
Learn about Tracksuit's Timeline page.
Surveying and Research
Tracksuit's survey methodology.
Survey and Account Details
View your survey, add users, and download raw responses.
Surveying and Research
Understanding your data
Our survey process and methodology
Our survey process and methodology
What's your sample size?
What's the margin of error on the survey?
How do you sample?
How frequently do you sample?
Where do the respondents come from?
Is your panel an omnibus panel? Who owns the panel?
Are respondents paid?
How are responses weighted?
How many other companies / questions are included in my survey?
How did we create our survey structure?
Are surveys taken online or offline?
Why is awareness and consideration the same for my brand?
How is the sample size big enough?
What demographic variables does Tracksuit collect?
Is there a stand-down period for survey respondents?
How representative is your monthly sample?
How do we clean our data?
How do we calculate Unprompted Awareness?
How do our US regions work?
How do we define Urban vs Rural filters in the US?