Featured guides
Learn about Tracksuit's Funnel page.
Tracksuit API / Integrations
Learn about Tracksuit's Profile page.
Learn about Tracksuit's Imagery page.
Learn about Tracksuit's Statements page.
Learn about Tracksuit's Timeline page.
Surveying and Research
Tracksuit's survey methodology.
Survey and Account Details
View your survey, add users, and download raw responses.
Using the Tracksuit Timeline
Filtering dates on the Timeline
Filtering demographics on the Timeline
How do Tracksuit's sample size indicators work?
Displaying Category Penetration on the Timeline
Showing incomplete months
Making a line active in the Timeline
Swapping from percentages (%) to numbers (#)
Adding a milestone to the Timeline
Milestones: Choosing between a campaign or macro event
Hiding a line on the Timeline
Editing or deleting a milestone
Hiding or showing milestones
Using the Summarize feature on the Timeline
Adding data labels / data points to the timeline
How do I know if there is a significant change in my data on the Timeline?