
How to use the copy as an image functionality

A selection of graphs across the Tracksuit dashboard can be copied as an image.

How to copy as an image

To copy a graph as an image, follow these steps:

  1. Hover over the graph

  2. Click Copy as image icon. The graph will then be copied to your clipboard.

  3. Paste in your final location

Accessing the graphs available to copy

The following graphs are currently available to copy and paste

Funnel snapshot metrics

  1. Go to the Funnel page

  2. Expand the metric you wish to copy e.g. Awareness 

Funnel conversion graph

  1. Go to the Funnel page

  2. Click Conversion

Funnel comparison over time

  1. Go to the Funnel page

  2. Click Date filter dropdown

  3. Click Compare time period

Imagery page bubbles

  1. Go to the Imagery page

  2. Hover over the bubble graph for either your brand, or your competitor