
Looker (Data Studio) Integration

Tracksuit has two custom connectors for integrating with Looker.

These connectors aren't published in Looker's marketplace, but can be accessed by these links:

👉 v1 Looker Connector

👉 v2 Looker Connector

v1 Looker Connector

The first version of the API allows you to access all Funnel metrics for one demographic filter at a time across all date ranges and competitors. If you need to be able to see data for multiple demographic filters in the same chart you should use v2.

The API provides both percentage values and total population values for each metric.

The API does not currently include: Statements, Profile, or Imagery data.

v2 Looker Connector

The second version of the API allows you to access all Funnel metrics for a range of demographic filters at the same time across all date ranges and competitors.

The API only provides percentage values for each metric. If you need to able to see population data you should use v1.

The API does not currently include: Statements, Profile, or Imagery data.

3-month rolling averages

All of the data presented is matches what is displayed in the dashboard.

I.e. the data displays 3-month rolling averages which is the same as the Tracksuit dashboard. We do not provide daily, weekly or monthly data.

Available APIs

The Tracksuit API is built in accordance with OpenAPI standards, ensuring a standardized and developer-friendly approach to API design and documentation.

The OpenAPI Documentation Link below provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and interacting with our API using the OpenAPI Specification. OpenAPI, formerly known as Swagger, is a standard for documenting RESTful APIs.

Server Base Path